Market StatsReal Estate November 15, 2019

Mike’s Notes on What’s Happening in the Market

With all the real estate headlines in the news, I thought you might like know that, at least locally, the story may be different. I wanted to share this so people you know can benefit:

It is true that some may have paused this summer thinking the market was slowing.  Perhaps many “hoped” that was what was happening?  As I mentioned in the first of the year forecast and this summer, although locally some hope the market is slowing so they can “go get a deal,” at issue still is that “everyone” is moving here. Let me repeat- 80 people per day are moving to the Puget Sound region alone for a better life than what they had but most importantly because the jobs are being created right here.  Just ask Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google and the rest.
I can tell you from first hand experience at my open houses these past two months that virtually all of the visitors and the buyers are new to this area.  Read that again.

IF you want to BUY in this market we need to be talking right now.  I need to help you get 40 days ahead of your competitors.
IF you want to SELL then we need to be talking right NOW and start preparing your place to get top dollar in late February/March.

For my friends and clients east of the mountains, the second home market did slow down this year but watch for it to stabilize and start working its way back up in 2020. Although some of those buyers are new to this area, majority of those buyers have been recreation minded “east of the mountains” for years and want a home in that popular area.  More on that later…